Happy Saturday, friends! I’ve got seven publications that I enjoy reading, and though you’ve probably heard of most of them, I hope one of them is a new one to add to your list.
- Magnolia Journal– This quarterly magazine doesn’t even feel like a magazine, which I’m pretty certain is why they call it The Magnolia JOURNAL. The articles read more like journal entries, and I always walk away from reading it with a happier heart and with purpose.
- HGTV Magazine– What can I say? I have learned an incredible wealth of knowledge reading this magazine. I am always inspired by the decor of the featured homes and feel I can tackle anything from fixing a sink to wallpapering my hallway because of the tutorials they include. I recommend this magazine to everyone.
- Southern Living– How can I call myself a southern woman and not subscribe to Southern Living? If not for the scrumptious recipes in each issue, then get it for travel inspiration. I think I have every article about Nashville that they’ve published since I started subscribing. How do I get that job? I’d like to travel to these fun places and write articles about it. You hear that, Southern Living? Hmm…
- Vanity Fair– This one is not for the faint of heart. And if you’re a super conservative, far right republican, DO NOT READ THIS MAGAZINE. You’ll likely burn it to keep warm this winter. The editor is the furthest thing from a Trump supporter you could ever imagine, and several of the articles often reflect that. I feel I need to say that hateful articles do not get my attention. I typically don’t read the Trump articles because I believe that even if you don’t like him, he’s still the President and needs prayer more than press. Some of the non-Trump political articles are very interesting, and I like to read those. The real reason I like this magazine is because I’m a fan of Hollywood and all the glitz and glam it has to offer. The interviews with the celebrities that grace the covers are so thorough and often insightful. My favorite part is the very last page where a different celebrity is interviewed with the most random questions. It’s just a snippet into their personalities, but it’s always very entertaining.
- The Skimm
The Skimm is an online news source that does exactly what it says. It just skims the surface of current events and gives you the high points so that you can stay up to date with what’s going on in the world. I realize not everyone is interested in that sort of thing, but I’m fairly interested in politics, current events, and other news related information. The Skimm is run by two women who are being total girl bosses and killing it with this online publication. If you’d like to subscribe to The Skimm you can go here. Enter your email address and you’ll get an email everyday with a brief rundown of what’s happening on planet Earth. Usually only takes me about five minutes to read it, and I learn something new everyday.
- The Everygirl
I’ve mentioned The Everygirl before on the blog. It’s a website created for women by women. Two of my very favorite Instagram accounts are the creators, Alaina Kaczmarski and Danielle Moss. Both have unbelievably beautiful homes and have both had babies recently. Their feeds are extra cute because of their sweet babes. The Everygirl has articles in all categories: wellness, finance, fashion, and health to name a few. They have an incredible team of women who research, write, and edit the content. Bonus: They recently launched The Everymom for all the mamas out there. I’ve played around on that one too, and the articles are great.
- Local Paper- I don’t get a paper everyday, but I do think it’s important to keep abreast of your local happenings, and reading your local newspaper is a wonderful way to do that. Greenville has some great options (Advocate and Standard) to keep us informed and they’re always a joy to read.
I hope you enjoy your weekend and get to catch up on some magazine, website, blog, and/or newspaper reading. 🙂 Don’t forget to subscribe at the top of the screen while you’re here. As always, thanks so much for the support!
Have a great one, y’all.