Earrings and Bracelets and Necklaces, Oh My!

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Since we moved in about six months ago, I’ve pretty much taken over the guest room. It is the room with the least and the most purpose. It is basically our office, gym (haha, like twice), storage space, my closet, and my dressing room. The closet in the master was too small for both my husband and I to hang our clothes, so I decided I would take the closet in the guest room. I’m usually up earlier than he is, and let’s face it, I go through my closet every single morning absolutely sure that I have NOTHING to wear. (Don’t we all?) And secretly wishing there was some kind of magic in the world where everything I pinned on my Fashion Pinterest Board would just show up! Needless to say, that doesn’t happen and Paul would be mighty grumpy every morning if I were doing this where he is trying to sleep.

One of the areas in my guest room is designated to my jewelry. A very small area, I might add. It’s a two drawer night stand that has been passed down to us and has stuck around through our moves. And as you can see, I had this super fabulous, totally functional organization strategy going on with all that jewelry. 

Right? I mean, totally works.

In my house in Louisiana I was having the same problem. Then, one day Paul and I were strolling through TJ Maxx and I found this pretty brilliant jewelry organizer. I linked the jewelry holders page from TJ Maxx just above and y’all, they are SO CUTE!

I bought it for just under $15, I think and got to work organizing (or as one of my students says “orgazining”-cracks me up every time she wants to “orgazine” the markers in the art center). I hung it inside my closet and was just as excited about it then as I am now and promptly posted it to social media. 

So even after settling into our apartment I just didn’t get around to hanging it up. I guess I was looking for the “perfect” spot to hang it. And when you’re short on space, especially that nice walk in closet space you had before, it’s tough to envision where you’re going to put something like that. Especially in the middle of a guest room.

So, I had a free afternoon one day and decided I was going to hang this thing and get my jewelry organized. It’s one of those tasks that seems daunting because you might have to measure and get tools out and hammer and nail and balance on a stool or ladder, but it totally only took about an hour from start to finish.

I pulled out the organizer, dusted it off, and got it ready for hanging. 

I really like the staggered knobs for hanging those longer necklaces. 

I did use my tape measure to make sure that I was getting the right distance between the holes on the back. There were no studs in the wall so I used these hooks. Paul calls them Hercules Hooks, but I’m pretty sure I got the cheap ones at Walmart because these were called Monkey Hooks. The package said one hook can support 25 pounds, so I think the monkeys will get the job done. 🙂 

I was able to hang all of my necklaces, a few bracelets, and all of the earrings with hooks for backs with room for more! 🙂

On the table I didn’t do too much to the bracelet holder, but you can see that I did lay out some of my most worn bracelets. All of the bracelets laying out came from a wonderful website called Wrist Soiree. She has beautiful pieces, and they have all held up really well. 

I received this gorgeous tray from a student this year for Christmas and instead of storing it away in my china cabinet, I decided to use it for my dangly earrings that have post backs, my funky ring holder, and a rhinestone pin. Most of these earrings are from Walmart. The navy blue tassel ones are on sale for $3!!! They have so many cute styles right now. I had to restrain myself the last time I went grocery shopping. 

Inside the drawer I just cleaned it up a bit. I set up my rings in an old velvet lined box and straightened up a box of jewelry I was given from my Granny’s collection. Inside the sparkly box I stored jewelry that I don’t wear anymore or wear that often but that has sentimental value. Plus, that box is super sparkly, and I can’t bring myself to part with it. The glass heart box is something I believe I’ve had since high school. I separated the two pieces and put all of those little clear backs in it. This makes it so much easier for me and I don’t lose them quite as often anymore. The other half of the heart holds all of my stud earrings on the top of the table. 

Most of my jewelry is costume jewelry. I have some nicer pieces from Kendra Scott, BaubleBar, and certain boutiques I’ve bought from here and there, but for the most part, most of it comes from more affordable places like Walmart or Wrist Soiree and occasionally Target. Another place to find great, inexpensive jewelry is Versona. If you haven’t browsed this store in East Chase, I encourage you to. In Louisiana it was set up much like Charming Charlie (another great place for affordable jewelry) and was color coordinated. I have many pieces from there. Those blue and gold circle earrings and the green ones beside it on the tray are from Versona as are the coral Kendra Scott look-a-like ones hanging on the wire. And one more great local place to find cute jewelry is The Pineapple. Especially if you catch a Wednesday sale on jewelry! 

My hope for this post was to inspire anyone who was having trouble finding a method to the madness like I was. Do any of you already have a jewelry organization system? I dream of a huge closet with a built in chest of drawers just for jewelry. Something like The Container Store or Ikea would do. *Swoon* Have any of you made a cute jewelry organizer? Share in the comments to let me know. I just might need to make some tweaks to my own system.

Author: Elizabeth Norman

I'm a home grown Alabamian who ventured away for a while, but now I'm back! Follow along with me on my journey living the Norman life.