Seven years ago on a very, VERY hot July day, I made my whole wedding party take outside pictures, stand on a stage for a very long ceremony (there was a lot of music and several readings), and then I didn’t even give them a party afterwards! I had a church wedding with a church reception (Baptist church, mind you, so there was definitely no dancing or booze). I’ve been to some great weddings where the music was loud and the wine was flowing, but I have to say, our wedding is my favorite wedding I’ve ever been to. And even though everything was done exactly to my liking and every detail was attended to, the guy waiting for me at the end of the aisle was my most favorite part. He’s my favorite person in all the world, and I am happy that we’ve reached year seven.
As I reflect on our actual wedding, I appreciate how he let me choose the music but put his spin on it at the end with some James Taylor. I appreciate that he let my preacher give a message of faith to us and to everyone in attendance, but he asked his dad to actually officiate the ceremony making it one of the most special parts of that day. I appreciate that he let me choose the decor for the reception but that he still insisted we have pigs in a blanket to eat. (And for all you people thinking that’s tacky-those were the first things to disappear at our reception.) I appreciate that he let me have the readings I wanted during the ceremony and then he asked some of the most wonderful people to read and selected some of the most moving passages to be read. It wasn’t just MY day as a bride. It was our day as a couple. It was a beautiful day.
I thank God everyday that He gave me Paul to love in this life. It’s so evident that God puts people together for a reason, and that there really is one person for you to spend the rest of your life with. God knew I needed him. And God knew he needed me.
Thank you, Paul, for taking me in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, loving me and cherishing me for richer and for poorer. I am immeasurably blessed.
I tell you, Ian did not want any part of this wedding. Not even the pictures. And those of you who’ve seen Grace, Ian, and Alex lately…they were just babies here and are so grown up now. 🙁 The dress Grace is wearing is one of my Easter dresses when I was little. My Aunt Sharon made it for me, all by hand. My favorite picture of my girls. I remember everyone telling Ian something about Superman in order to get him to take pictures. They’re probably plotting the best way to talk Paul out of marrying a psychopath that would make them stand out in the July heat to take pictures in tuxes.Roo Doo always making him laugh. Sweet Mason 🙂Granddaddy getting him to smile. I wonder what Grace just said to Christy.Probably my favorite picture of the whole day. I don’t know what we were arguing about, but I know it was something. What’s that line in The Notebook? “Well that’s what we do, we fight… You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch, and I tell you when you’re being a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you’re back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing.”-Noah That sums us up in a nutshell. 😉 Seriously didn’t think Ian was going to do it. So proud of him! Our brothers. Ben wrote us a song and performed it. He also played and sang another song during the ceremony. My forever favorite picture of Trawick and me. Sport! Those pigs in a blanket, y’all. They really were the biggest hit.Happy Anniversary, babe! I love you!
Well, I hope you didn’t forget about me. I’ve been a little MIA this month due to lots of things, but a lot of it was because I’ve been enjoying my last month of summer vacation before school starts back.
I’m here to share a few things I’m currently loving this month and just to fill you in on life. There’s been a lot going on here around the Norman house, so let’s dive right in, shall we?
Let’s Start with the Negative
This month had so many wonderful things and still more wonderful things are happening the last few days of this month, but one pretty negative thing that happened was that I fell and sprained my ankle. I was walking down the back stairs to leave, stepped onto the stepping stones at the bottom of the stairs, but I stepped on it just right to roll my ankle off of the stone and go down to the ground. Arms flailing, dropped everything, hit the dirt. Paul wasn’t home, of course, so I called my mom to come help me. I couldn’t get up on my own and was scared to since I heard my ankle crack when it rolled off the stepping stone. She only lives a few minutes away, so she came right over carrying a walker that my grandparents’ used when they couldn’t get around well. And all I could thing was, “You’ve got to be kidding me. She brought me a walker?!” Turns out, it helped, she got me up and inside, and she even gave up her whole afternoon to drive me around so I could be x-ray’d and seen by the doctor. Thankfully, no break or fracture! I did get crutches, and, y’all, those things ain’t no joke. I’ve never had to have crutches before, and I feel like I’m a pretty coordinated person, but they were hard to maneuver and quite frankly, a pain in the you-know-what.
Another good thing about this situation, I was looked after and cared for and checked on by my wonderful family and friends. I greatly appreciate their worrying about me and taking care of me! I’m still in the brace in the picture above, but those crutches are long gone! (Praise the Lord!)
Now the Bittersweet
Last year when we moved back to Alabama from Louisiana, I was fortunate to get a job teaching at the school from which I graduated. I had the best class and the best experience at a school during a year of transition. But all good things come to an end, as they say, and my time there has ended. I pursued a job in public school, and I got it. I’ll be teaching third grade, and I’m looking forward to the new school and new age group. I’ve only taught Pre-K and Kindergarten, so third grade is a new challenge for me, but I know this is the right thing for me to do at this point in my career.
With that being said, to Mrs. Ellinor, Mrs. Debbie, Mrs. Susie, Mrs. Kaye, Mrs. Alicia, and Mama, thank you for taking me in and helping me out in every way you could. I literally couldn’t have done it without your help. I am so blessed to have come into an environment that truly felt like family, that was supportive, that was fun, that was never boring, and that had such dang good food! I’ll miss birthday celebrations! 🙂 And when things were so tough for our family this year, thank you for taking care of me and my mama. I love y’all so much!
Current TV Faves
It’s no surprise to see that heading. If you’ve been here more than once, you’ve probably seen something about television shows or movies.
Last month I mentioned that I was into Gossip Girl. (Paul likes to call this “trash tv”.) Apparently I really like “trash tv”. I managed to watch all episodes of Gossip Girl, all episodes of Southern Charm on Bravo (the past seasons are On Demand), and a few other shows that rank up there on his “trash tv” meter…I guess…I happen to quite like these shows and know that other people do too, so shut it, Paul. 🙂
But the truth is, Paul likes TV as much as I do, and though we may not watch “trash tv” together, we do watch a lot of great shows together. One we really got into was Stranger Things.
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Holy moly, y’all! I don’t do scary, but this one was so good! We couldn’t get enough. Funny story, we watched it, finished the last episode, and the next night out bathroom light started flickering non-stop. *Gasp* I needed Eleven!! 🙂 Turns out, we just needed to change our light bulbs. And I heard they released the trailer for season two! I’ll definitely be watching.
Then we decided it was about time we jumped on the Game of Thrones train.
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What a stinking emotional roller coaster! Anytime you like someone, they die. When you hate someone and they finally die, you cheer because they were so horrible. We have one episode left in season six, then we can catch up with season seven and be live with everyone else. I watch a lot of it through my fingers because it’s pretty graphic with the violence, but the story is interesting, and I totally get the hype now.
Also, the Mother of Dragons…favorite character, hands down.
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Then Tyrion. He’s so funny! All three of these characters are really great, actually.
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One more, maybe more wholesome and culturally educating thing I’ve been watching is the Smithsonian Channel. I decided maybe I was watching too much “trash tv” and needed something educational in my life, so I found the Smithsonian channel. My brother was in town a while back and found a show called Aerial America and that episode was about Philadelphia. He and my dad just went there on vacation, and he was pointing out all the things that they had done and seen. I became intrigued and looked up more shows that are on this channel. My most favorite so far is First Ladies Revealed. Amazing show! If you get this channel, just watch something. It’s so informative. And if you love history, you’ll love it.
You can see the crutches propped against the wall in this picture. I stayed off of my ankle a few days and was really able to dive into this amazing book during that time. I bought this from a thrift store and very long time ago and, like so many other books on my shelf, I’ve never gotten around to reading it. But in that effort to have more wholesome things in my life instead of the “trash tv”, I decided I’d give it a go. Laura Bush is excellent with words. She can describe a Texas landscape in a way that I know if I looked up that area, the picture in my mind would be exactly what I saw in a real photograph. She is a well-read woman who writes like a seasoned author. I am not finished yet, but I am absolutely loving it. I wish I had been old enough to truly follow, understand, and appreciate this administration as it was going on. I highly recommend this one.
Beauty Product
I’ve spoken about Beauty Counter products before here on the blog. I have been using their charcoal soap and charcoal mask for several months now. I am also using their sunscreen and have started using a foundation that I’m really enjoying. I apply it with a brush and find it very blendable, and you can build up coverage if you aren’t satisfied with the first application. It doesn’t feel too heavy, and the best part is- it’s a safe product for your skin. If you click the picture it’ll take you to the page about this product. I encourage you to look around the site if you are looking for safer beauty options.
Last but Not Least
I sure hope y’all are still reading.
Here’s just a few more random things I’m currently loving this month (most of these are recaps from Instagram, but I did thrown in a few I haven’t shared): Still obsessing over watermelon. Most of my local people are nearly out of their watermelons, though. Hopefully our local grocery stores have some good ones. These were an early anniversary gift from Paul. Aren’t they fabulous?! They speak directly to my leopard-loving heart. You can get your own pair from the lovely boutique called Simply Chic Baton Rouge. They will ship to you here in Alabama. Follow them on Instagram and Facebook. Absolutely amazing! I have loved visiting the Alabama Shakespeare Festival since I was kid. (The bathroom still has the same wallpaper, y’all! If any of you remember from field trips, that is.) This summer I was the third wheel on my parents’ date night to see Mary Poppins. It was a fabulous show, and if it’s still running, get your tickets now and go! And that gorgeous building…I just love it. I recently got to experience BBQ 65 right off the interstate at the Pineapple exit. I got the smoked chicken sandwich with white BBQ sauce and friend green tomatoes. Just go. Do yourself a favor and go. You won’t be disappointed, and I’ve not heard one person say anything bad about what they ordered. DO IT! My mom’s birthday was this month and we had a delicious supper. My brother came home, and we spent the afternoon in the kitchen cooking for her. I gave her a Mary Kay Andrews’ cookbook, The Beach House Cookbook, for Christmas. There’s a recipe in there called Grits and Greens, and it’s southern deliciousness like you’ve never tasted. We thought it’d be good to put shrimp in it, so Andrew, my brother, made the shrimp, I made the casserole, and of course you have to have some Conecuh sausage to go with it. Birthday banana pudding for dessert, and we were all full as ticks. (That one’s for my daddy!) 🙂 So much goodness on that table right there. Mmm…And just for fun…I love me some Snapchat. This filter is everything, and I can’t get enough of it. Its as fun as the one that gives you big lips and teeth. It’s the little things, right?
I sure hope y’all had a great July and a great summer. Enjoy these last few days before school starts for you and/or your kiddos. I know I’m going to!
How is June over?! That means summer is halfway over. For teachers July always means you have to really start thinking about school again. Because, contrary to popular belief, teachers really do have to do work in the summer. There’s a lot of planning and putting your classroom back together. It’s no joke. So don’t hate on your teacher friends during the summer. They do a lot of stuff in those two months to prepare for your kiddos to come into their classrooms the next school year (on their days off, no less).
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Another favorite this month- watermelon. Oh my goodness. There’s a man selling watermelons for $10 across the street from the country club, and I first thought it was steep for a watermelon, but I’ve changed my tune because they are absolutely worth every penny. Watermelon is maybe my favorite thing ever about summer. So delicious!
The Tony Awards
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It’s no surprise to people who know me that I love award shows. I am a major lover of The Golden Globes, The SAG Awards, and The Oscars. But probably my most favorite award show is The Tony Awards which honors the accomplishments of people in theater. I have been fortunate to see Bernadette Peters in Annie Get Your Gun on Broadway. I saw The Phantom of the Opera on Broadway as well on Mr. W.S. Godwin’s trip he used to take every year to D.C and New York. I was thirteen years old and did not know how huge this was to see such icons on stage. I wish I had kept the Playbills! And then while in Louisiana I was able to see Wicked when it toured through New Orleans. Holy crap! When is this movie coming out so more people can love it?! Someone please make a movie!!!
The reason the Tony’s are one of my favorite things is because Ben Platt, the lead actor in Dear Evan Hansen won for best actor in a musical. You may remember him as Benji, the weird roommate of Jesse in Pitch Perfect. He performed in their finale in the first movie and reprises his role in Pitch Perfect 2.
Google Images/ Click the image for a link to his acceptance speech.
But during his acceptance speech at The Tony’s he said, “The things that make you strange are the things that make you powerful.”
I thought that was such a profound statement. Perhaps I’ve watched too many teenage/high school dramas lately, but being strange is often something that really hurts people and something they try to hide because others don’t seem to understand their “weird”. But Ben says to do it anyway. And I agree. If you’re the theater nerd in your group of friends and they think that’s crazy, let them think that. One day, that strange thing is going to help you do something that makes you happy. I’m here doing it now by writing a blog that probably only a handful of people read.(Thanks, Mom, Mrs. Robyn, Aunt Sharon, and Christy) 🙂 Ha! But you know what? I don’t care. If it makes me strange then that’s okay, because who knows? One day it could be the most powerful thing I’ve ever done.
Google Images/ This is actually an image from a blanket. I need it!
Home Improvements
My next two favorites come in the form of home improvements. I don’t go too many places over the summer. This is a pretty busy time for Paul’s line of work, so I spend a lot of time at home relaxing, reading, watching Netflix (I’ve gotten into even more shows, y’all.) I think I’ve officially got a problem. But I also get projects on my list out of the way in the summer because I have lots of time to do it. So, I can’t let June go by without mentioning my two favorite home improvements:
So, I said I’ve gotten into more shows, but one that I’m rediscovering as an adult is Designing Women. Y’all…..I can’t get enough! It is so witty, and I am loving the strong woman that is Julia Sugarbaker. She is fierce. And how funny is that show? I know some of y’all remember it, and if you don’t, just search it on your cable box. I bet it’ll give you the times and channel that it’s on. And look at that 80s hair and fashion! Love!
Google Images/ Click this picture for a link to a “Where are they now?” article.
The Shack
I also have to reiterate my love of The Shack. I posted a review of it on Thursday, but it has been sticking with me since I finished the book. And I encourage you to watch the movie too. The library here has it available to check out for one night. And it’s free! Support your local library!
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Professional Golfer
Cam with his mom and dad, Todd and Ginger.
Lastly, I was able to watch my husband’s cousin win his first professional golf event. Paul has been coaching him through videos, countless texts and phone calls, and every now and then in person while Cam was at college and we were in Louisiana. It was great when we moved back that they could do more lessons in person. So when Cam went to the regional competition for the NCAA and then on to the national championship competition in Chicago, it’s an understatement to say how proud of him we were. Cam knew he wanted to go the pro route, and Paul has been able to be there every step of the way since we’ve moved back. It’s been a lot of fun to watch. Then Cam was able to win his first event as a pro! I shared a golf cart with Paul and his Aunt Ginger, Cam’s mom, to see him win, and it was very cool. I feel very honored to have been allowed to be there. I’m not sure if Cam knows how proud Paul is. He didn’t stop laughing and smiling until we got home from the tournament. He was in the best mood and all because he was so happy for Cam. Can’t wait to see what else is in store for this guy. He’s the real deal, y’all!
So, my June was fun. How about yours? I’d love to hear about it in the comments. Here’s to another month in the books and to a great July!