Currently Loving- August 2019

Is it fall yet? August is my least favorite month of the year. My goodness, it’s hot in Alabama. I seriously think I’d like to move further north. I’m not meant to sweat this much. Anyone else?
There were some good things that I loved during this hellish month, but this heat just ain’t one of them.

It was a good food month. I tried a new breakfast recipe and one for lunch. That’s one good thing about August. I’m forced to put thought into what I eat or else I’m a hangry teacher. Luckily, both of these recipes I tried kept me from being that hangry teacher. I found them on Pinterest and will link the recipes for you.

Photo by Life’s Ambrosia

My mother-in-law gave me some chicken salad that she had gotten from someone a while back. I can’t remember where she got it, but I do know it was some of the best chicken salad I’d ever tasted, so I decided to find a recipe to replicate it myself. The key ingredient was dill, so I took to Pinterest and searched for “dill chicken salad”. This is the pin that came up and the recipe is here.

Photo by Love and Food Foreva

In an effort to eat a breakfast that would keep me full, I went on a search for an overnight oats recipe. I always see people talking about them on Instagram, and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I went to Pinterest again and found a snickerdoodle version. These oats are pretty amazing, but I would recommend using a little less milk than what the recipe calls for. Here’s the recipe.

I’m still feeling pretty good about these Costco protein bars. They really have kept me full when I eat them, and they are still the best tasting protein bars I’ve ever had. Get them here.

I have been drinking black coffee for a while now, but I was able to try Nut Pods a bit ago, and I really liked them. The cinnamon swirl seemed like a perfect transition to fall and holiday season from a flavor standpoint. I was super impressed with the flavor and will definitely repurchase. But then the pumpkin spice flavor was released this last week of August, so naturally I’ve already purchased that. #basic

It’s also been a good month for TV, music, and other forms of entertainment.

Succession on HBO– Paul and I are new to this one. I still listen to the Oysters, Clams, and Cockles podcast that used to break down each Game of Thrones episode. Well, now that GOT is over, they have started taking on other shows from HBO. Ross and Barrett were talking about Succession, so I made Paul watch season one with me. We were both hooked immediately and we’re three episodes into season 2 now.

Aerial America on the Smithsonian Channel– I’m moving to New Hampshire. If you’re a super nerd like I am, please watch this show.

Yellowstone on Paramount– Best show on television right now.

Little Women Trailer– officially reading the book- I’ve convinced the book club ladies to read it or reread if they’ve already done so. How have I not read this? This is a stellar cast, and I can’t wait to see this movie.

With the debut of Taylor Swift’s new album and my being stuck to a computer most afternoons for a few hours entering grades and such, I’ve been listening to a few new things this month.

Lover– Well, obviously.

Dear Evan Hansen– This soundtrack will make you laugh and cry and want to be a better person. This song is wonderfully special.

Fear Podcast Episode– We had great fun teasing each other about all the things we’re scared of. It turned out to be a great episode. I hope you’ll have a listen. You can find it here.

I’ve discovered the most life changing thing in the Walmart Grocery Pickup. I am so, so happy not to have to go in there unless I have to or want to. But on Monday afternoons, when I usually would do my grocery shopping, I now just pull up to a parking spot where my groceries are loaded into my car for me. Glorious, glorious invention.

Another great Walmart find was that long leopard cardigan I posted about in my Weekly Walmart Finds on Instagram. I bought it and wore it one day to work. Yes, it was too hot, but I am willing fall to come with my wardrobe. It’s soft, well made, and the scale of the leopard is simply perfection. It looks very chic, and it is so affordable. I can’t find it online, but I did find a more climate-appropriate kimono with the same color and scale of leopard that’s super cute.

On I found this tanning product. I’d heard pretty decent reviews from a few people on Instagram, and the tanning lotion I loved is never in stock. So I gave this one a go, and it’s good!

Yet another Walmart find this month was a pair of rainbow hued earrings. Remember when I challenged myself to incorporate more color into my wardrobe? Well, I think the mission will be considered accomplished any time that I wear these.

And speaking of cute earrings, have you seen Kathryn Stallworth Designs? I saw Kathryn post about her earrings she’s been designing, and it took me quite a while to narrow it down. There are so many cute ones, y’all. I finally settled on these beautiful, tiered, jade green baubles, and I’m so glad I did. I constantly get compliments on them and already have my sights set on another pair perfect for fall.

I had a lot of fun outings during August, too. You’d think I’d have laid low with school starting back, but life’s short, and I can sleep when I’m dead, I guess. I watched Paul and several members of his family compete in a golf tournament. It was a hot day on the golf course, but it was a lot of fun.

Back in the summer Paul and I agreed to get tickets to see Jason Isbell in Auburn. It stormed on the way up there and rained on us most of the time we were there, too. It was still lots of fun, and I got to meet up with one of my besties. It was a perfect Friday night!

Thursday night Paul surprised me with a date night to see Broadway Under the Stars at Blount Park in front of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. I have loved this event for such a long time, and I didn’t think I would get to go this year. It was the nicest surprise, and I am thrilled to have been able to go! It’s no surprise that my football and golf loving husband isn’t the biggest fan of show tunes, but he really really knocked it out of the park with this date. I mean, could I be cheesing any bigger? 🙂

And to round out a month that I usually dislike, yet another thing good happens today- Auburn Football. Let’s hope that it turns out in our favor. Happy Saturday, friends! Have a great weekend and War Eagle!

Author: Elizabeth Norman

I'm a home grown Alabamian who ventured away for a while, but now I'm back! Follow along with me on my journey living the Norman life.