Amy’s Salad Recipe

I have a wonderful recipe for you today. It is a crowd pleaser and would be perfect for your Thanksgiving menu. I always go back for seconds and thirds when I have it. Back in 2008 my Mama gave me a cookbook called The Blue Willow Inn Bible of Southern Cooking. This recipe comes from there.

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5 Good Things | No.18

Another week begins! Can you believe Thanksgiving is next week? Stay tuned for a delicious recipe post coming later this week that you might want to add to your Thanksgiving Day menu. While I get that put together, let’s have a look at five of my favorite things from last week.

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5 Good Things | No. 17

Hello Weekend!!! Who’s excited? I’m living for the weekends these days. The photo above is when we visited my brother and sister-in-law last weekend. We watched some football, ate a lot of yummy food, and made smores! This weekend is more low-key, and I’m not mad about it. Teaching in a pandemic is tough, y’all. Love on your teacher friends, your kids’ teachers, or yourself if you are a teacher. They/we need it! Weekends are our favorite time right now. This week I’ve been sharing some of my favorite things I’ve come across these past three weeks, and I am finally wrapping it up this week with post number three. It’s a random assortment of things, so we’ll just call this a regular ol’ 5 Good Things post.

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5 Podcasts You Need to Listen to Right Now

I have been following Kathleen Barnes of on Instagram for a few months, and I must have been living under a rock because she is lovely and has AMAZING style in clothes and home decor.

I mean…can you even with her sleek style and that gallery wall?

Anyway, she shared a lot of podcasts over the last few weeks, and I like to be entertained pretty much all the time with music, an audiobook, or a podcast. I gave a few of her recommendations a try, and they were good! Those, mixed with a few I found on my own, will give you plenty of hours of listening time. Keep reading to find out what they are.

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HBO, Netflix, and Hallmark, Oh My! The Good, the Bad, and the Meh

Long time no see! I started this post originally on Oct. 26 but life got in the way and I wasn’t able to ever finish it. Needless to say, I have lots of good things to share, but that would be one massively long post. So, I’m going to start with things you need to watch (or not watch) right now.

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