Books I Read in February

I warned you about another monthly book roundup. Fortunately for all of us, it’s a much shorter list. Only two books, actually. Two audiobooks. I was still reading the physical copy of Onyx Storm and finished it a few days ago. (Big thoughts on that. Review coming soon.) But without further ado, let’s recap the reading I did in February. Here’s the format for the reviews- I’ll give you a synopsis, my review, who I think should read this, and a pairing of some sort. Now let’s find out about…

And Then There Were None- Agatha Christie

The Synopsis

Ten strangers are summoned to Soldier Island off the coast of Devon by an unknown, eccentric millionaire. But upon arrival to the island, the host is nowhere to be found. The only thing connecting these guests is that they all have a past, a murderous past, that not one of them will own up to. However, this past could seal their fates. In each room is hung an old familiar poem about ten little soldiers. Each line of the poem describes the way in which each soldier dies. Once the guests start dying in the order of the poem’s deaths, they’re left to wonder who’s next, who’s the killer, and who, if anyone, will be left.

My Review

What a great book! I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I started it on audio realizing that I may have to switch to the physical copy because of the number of characters. Sometimes it’s easier for my brain to see lots of characters on a page. but once it got going and the story really picked up, I had no trouble keeping everyone straight.
Dan Stevens, an actor, narrated the book, and his British accent and voices for each character were incredibly entertaining and helped distinguish one character from another. I think I would have enjoyed the physical copy of the book, but the audio was just right for me.
I think I had to read this in high school, but I can’t remember, and I know that I didn’t read it. Probably went the SparksNotes route. No matter…I love it now and highly encourage you to read it.

Who Should Read This?

Definitely mystery fans. People like me, who should have read this in high school but didn’t. Anyone needing a fast-paced book to get them out of a reading slump or get them through a waiting period. Such as those waiting for their next library hold to become available. This will go so quickly for you and keep you in good company.

Pair It With…

Pair it with a cup of warm tea on a cold and windy day. There’s lots of talk of wind off the sea in this book. I’d also suggest cozy blankets for keeping warm. It’s very atmospheric, and I think romanticizing your reading time is fun.

I want to know all your thoughts on this one once you read it! Get your copy of And Then There Were None at your local library, independent bookstore, second hand book website, or here.

All Fours- Miranda July

The Synopsis

A semi-famous artist desires to drive across the country from Los Angeles to New York, but about thirty minutes from her home, she pulls over, checks into a motel, and embarks on a completely different journey.

My Review

I hated this book. It was so bad. Nor for me at all. I cannot begin to fathom how this was a National Book Award Finalist.

Tampon foreplay, urine play, dog poo clean up

I am all for a good female empowerment story. Women are amazing and their stories should be told and championed. Provocative stories are good. Weird stories are good and typically entertaining. But the weird and provocative took quite the turn. Did you not see the list of weird things up there? The sexcapades were cringeworthy and not even remotely sexy. The main character was unlikeable and infuriating. Her husband and all the side characters we’re frustrating as well, right down to the FBI neighbor.

Perhaps the issue I had the biggest hangup with was the mentality that being polyamorous is better than being monogamous. When did opening up your marriage become the sophisticated, better, more mature thing to do? If being monogamous is old fashioned, then I guess I am too. I had a few other problems with this book, but mostly I thought it was just completely unhinged and insane and not in a good way.

All that being said, I’m just one girl with one opinion. I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum; this was just not a book for me, and I should have DNF’d for my own sanity. BUT….I listened to this book for the Overbooked Pod book club. I heard their episode, and while I disagreed with them about their thoughts on the book, I still love listening to Paige and Kelsey talk books. You should check them out here.

Who Should Read This?

No one. I do not recommend this book.

Pair It With…

Should you find yourself reading this book, pair it with any other book on your TBR. Physically have it on standby so that when you get tired of All Fours, you’ll be ready to chunk it across the room and pick up the next one on your list. You might also need a shot of tequila to get through it. I’m telling you, it’s a doozy!

I want to know all your thoughts on this one if you read it! Get your copy of All Fours at your local library, independent bookstore, second hand book website, or here.

‘Til next time,

Author: Elizabeth Norman

I'm a home grown Alabamian who ventured away for a while, but now I'm back! Follow along with me on my journey living the Norman life.

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