Currently Loving- April 2019

Hi friends! April is a month that I have a love/hate relationship with. It’s my birthday month, so there’s a feeling of excitement and fun. But then April is also filled with all the pollen. I hate that part of it. But this post is not about current hates. Here’s what I have been loving this month. Get ready for a very photo-heavy post.

Andrew’s and Anna’s Wedding

What a great way to end this month! I had the most fun at this wedding. It was such a perfect day with gorgeous weather, high spirits, and pure joy. I cannot say enough how great the day was. It wasn’t stressful. There wasn’t a crisis of any kind. It was just perfect.

Anna’s dad made this for her.
One of Anna’s teachers painted this for her. Guests signed it as they walked in in place of a guest book.
Perfect photo captured by our cousin.

We were so busy with other things at one point, that I put my phone down and left it throughout the ceremony and reception. I wish I had gotten more pictures during the reception, but we were all just visiting and enjoying the afternoon. I can’t wait until Anna gets the photos back from the photographer. I’ll share on social media when they come through.

Wedding Showers

We went to two showers in the early weeks of April. One was at her parents’ church where they got married, and the other was at the lake with all of their couple friends. Both showers were so fun, and they were definitely “showered” with lots of nice things.

The ladies at the church knew that Anna’s favorite color is teal blue. They took that color and the rustic theme of the wedding and made the shower decor adorable. No detail was missed. It was a lovely shower.

My mom, Anna, her sister Andrea, her mom Robin
The shower hostesses
Receiving quite possibly her favorite gift.
Anna with her mom, sister, and two grandmothers

The lake shower was a couples shower and was a fiesta theme. Katie went above and beyond with decor and food, and I am here to tell you that she should have been a party planner. People need to start hiring her all the time. She’s got a real knack for it.

Authentic Mexican Sombrero- told y’all Katie was good!
The Guess Who game was lots of fun.
Playing the Guess Who game
Playing with Bo- She’s the cutest!
Katie designed and made these huggers.
The appetizers
Making Andrew’s favorites and request: bacon wrapped, goat cheese stuffed dates
All the food

Wear Color Challenge

I challenged myself during the month of April to wear more color. I had gotten in a rut of wearing only black and white with jeans. I decided to step outside of my comfort zone as often as possible, and I succeeded most days. It was a fun challenge and fun to see my outfits each day documented like they were. You can see them here:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4

Putting on the Ritz

I think this show gets better and better every year. Something was very special about this year, though. The talent in our little town is stellar. I had the most fun with Paul and his mom as we sat and watched opening night. Paul’s dad was in the show and had his own number where he wore the most fabulous cape. I asked if he got to keep it (hello, Halloween costume), but he said he couldn’t. Darn.

Stacey Edwards is one of my favorite people that I’ve ever met. We are relatively new friends, but my goodness she’s good people. She’s the real deal when it comes to talent in all elements of art. She can sing, she’s an actual artist with her own studio and everything, and I found out Thursday night that the girl’s got moves. There’s nothing she can’t do. You killed it, Stacey!

Vicki…oh Vicki…We had chills when you finished your song. You have a showstopping voice, and I truly felt what you were singing. I have loved this song since before seeing the movie, and you slayed it, lady. Well done.

Book Club

I always say that book club is a favorite, but it really is! Even if we only talk about the book for a few minutes. This particular meeting was the first time we’d ventured out in public. Normally we’re at someone’s house and bring food. But this time was very nice not having to cook or clean up. We went to The Alabama Grill. You’ll see more on that place if you keep reading. It was positively delightful. We sat on the patio, and though it was a rather warm April night, it was still pretty pleasant. I love these women. I love how our lives have come together for this particular time and how they have connected us in so many ways. It’s been so much fun. Love you girls!

Wedge Salad with Bates Turkey and Blue Cheese Dressing

The book we read was Same Kind of Different As Me. Here’s part of the description:
” A dangerous, homeless drifter who grew up picking cotton in virtual slavery. An upscale art dealer accustomed to the world of Armani and Chanel. A gutsy woman with a stubborn dream. A story so incredible no novelist would dare dream it.”
It was a bit sad, but it’s also about life. And life can be pretty dang sad. The beauty of the story comes from how God uses three completely different people to work in each others lives and in the lives of others. It’s pretty incredible and is a true story. There’s a movie now, too, and it’s on Netflix. I do recommend this book, but you should go in knowing that it’s not light-hearted. You’ll have all the feels and probably cry. But God is good, and that’s why this story is worth reading and sharing with others.

Alabama Grill

After a particularly long and hellish week, I couldn’t wait to get home Friday afternoon, put on my pjs and do nothing for the night. I was in a real mood and frustrated about work when Paul came home and told me to get dressed that we were going out for dinner. I fought him on it a little bit, but he eventually won me over and took me across the street to eat dinner at The Alabama Grill for the first time. We both ordered pizzas and a bottle of wine and had the greatest night. He was right to get me out of the house and get my mind off of the stress of the week. Thanks babe!

Liveakos- my pick
The Meathead- Paul’s pick


Margherita Pizza- my favorite

I woke up on my birthday feeling great! And then I sat down to do my makeup and noticed a new wrinkle under my right eye. I remember thinking something along the lines of, “Figures…another year, another wrinkle”. 🙂 I guess I should use some of my birthday money on the expensive eye cream. In all seriousness, it was a great day! I really did find that wrinkle, and I’ve been noticing in pictures these new nose wrinkles, and I’m not liking it so much. Maybe I should just put all my birthday money in a botox fund. Getting old is hard.

Technically, if I keep getting big sunglasses for each birthday, I won’t need a botox fund. I can just keep hiding the wrinkles under these!

It was such a sweet day filled with some pretty sweet gifts from my students who remembered and so many hand-made cards. That night I went to dinner with Paul and my parents. We headed back to The Alabama Grill for more pizza, the margherita pizza this time for me. It was a great day. I got the cutest pink hat, a new pair of much needed sunglasses, and those shoes that I technically got for Valentine’s day, my birthday, and probably my anniversary, too. They were just a tad expensive. What can I say? Shoes are my love language.

Beautycounter Friends and Family Sale

I know this sale is over, but my clients (old and new) made my month with the support you showed me. I cannot say thank you enough. I am so happy for you who have chosen safer options for some of your skincare or makeup. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
If you’re wondering what Beautycounter is all about, read this. If you want to see some favorites of mine and my clients, read this.
Thank you again, y’all!

Game of Thrones

It’s BACK! I feel like we’ve been waiting for years. Oh wait, we kind of did. If you’re not a fan then you have no idea how exciting this month was for all the rest of us. And because the Battle of Winterfell was this past Sunday, I feel I should give you an accurate depiction of how I looked watching that episode.

I know I’m not the only one! Are you a GOT fan?

What a crazy, busy, fun, exciting, and exhausting month! I’m counting down the days in May because at the end I get to have summer break! Cannot wait! Bring it, May! How was your April?

Author: Elizabeth Norman

I'm a home grown Alabamian who ventured away for a while, but now I'm back! Follow along with me on my journey living the Norman life.