Seven on a Saturday- Chic Ceiling Fans

Happy Saturday, y’all! How is it almost fall and it still feels like a million degrees outside? One thing Paul and I have both said recently (and pretty much since we’ve lived in our apartment) is that we would like to have a ceiling fan in our bedroom. We have a tower fan that works for cooling purposes, but a ceiling fan would get a tower fan off the floor and help to combat these hot summer nights.
Since I’ve never shopped for ceiling fans before, I just started googling and found several options at Home Depot. However, I’ve not been following 100 different home decor Instagram accounts without picking up on the brand, Hunter Fans. There a few of those in here, too. Scroll down to see some of the ones I’m considering. Each picture is linked for you.

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Thursday Thoughts: Immanuel

Happy Friday Eve! I wanted to follow up to my last Thursday Thoughts post. I mentioned that God had been quiet in my life for what seemed like the past two years. And then I was inspired to read my Bible from Matthew to Revelation and to see who Jesus is at the end of it. So far I’ve made it through the book of Matthew and am working on Mark, and if you’re a Bible reader, then you know that you can’t just read the Bible without hearing from God. So much has been revealed to me, and I wanted you to know that God is definitely making Himself known to me again. And as I said in the last post, I’m following the nudges He’s giving me to share these thoughts.

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Old Navy Fall Fashion Wish List

Paul recently told me I needed to cool it with the spending. Oops! In all honesty, I did make a few big purchases this past week that I wanted/had to make, and I’m pretty sure both of our iPhones are on their way out of commission. Ugh! So we’re staring down another big purchase in the near future. I probably should cool it. In the meantime, I’m going to “shop” for YOU. If ever there is a favorite time for me to shop, it’s now. Give me all the fall fashion! I was scouring the Old Navy website and found a bunch of cute fall staples that can be paired with things you already have in your closet and can be worn for months to come. Everything is linked! (These are not affiliate links. I am not that cool yet, but if you guys keep engaging with me here and on Instagram, then I’ll be able to provide those for y’all soon, hopefully!)

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Seven on a Saturday- What I’m Loving this Week

Happy Saturday! Oh my goodness am I glad to see the weekend! I don’t have to work this weekend, and I plan to take full advantage of the fact that I don’t have anything to do. Hallelujah!

I have recently rediscovered Pinterest, and I am hooked almost as badly as I was when it first hit the map. I stepped away from it for a while, but I am back and finding all sorts of inspirational things. This week there’s no rhyme or reason to the findings, just things I’m loving. Each photo is linked to its source for your convenience. Grab your coffee and scroll through seven things I found this week that you might find some inspiration from, too.

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Thursday Thoughts: When God is Quiet

Have you ever felt like you and God were on a break?

I know that’s a bold statement and might make some people stop and say, “Huh?”, but that’s what happened to me when we moved back to Greenville. I was very strong in my faith in Louisiana, and I had a very close relationship with God. I was involved in a church, I had excellent, Godly friends and coworkers that were speaking life into me everyday. I even turned our extra bedroom closet into a prayer closet where I kept prayers taped to the wall and where I spent nearly an hour every morning with Jesus.

Then we moved.

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Snakeskin Mules Under $20

I have to admit that I resisted this trend for a while. I thought maybe snakeskin wasn’t for me. Then the Nordstrom Anniversary sale happened and I thought I needed these booties.

But the price…I couldn’t justify $100 on shoes that I wasn’t sure I’d absolutely love.

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My Favorites from the Magnolia Fall Collection

Remember that time my mom and I went to Waco and visited the Magnolia headquarters? Yeah, me too. Take me back!

Magnolia released its new fall collection, and I’m pretty smitten. I’ve rounded up some of my favorite pieces for you today because I’m pretty ready to get my house decorated for fall and will those lower temperatures into existence. Let’s start with one of my favorite things about Magnolia…florals.

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Seven on a Saturday- The Most Influential Home Decor Accounts I Follow

Happy Saturday, friends! I don’t know about you, but when someone tells me I need to follow someone on Instagram or follow their blog, I immediately take a deep dive into their account and/or their latest blog posts to see if I, in fact, would like to follow them. My wheels have really been turning in the home decor sphere of my brain, and these seven accounts are always providing the inspiration, advice, and some pretty great eye candy that I need to keep the creativity flowing. While each of these accounts deal heavily in home decor, home improvement, diy, and all other things home, some dive into fashion and lifestyle as well. This is helpful to me since those are my two most favorite fields of interest while scrolling the gram and seem to overlap in my own life. Meaning my wardrobe and my home aesthetic often resemble each other (black and white color palette, anyone?). Each photo is linked to their site or blog with a separate link in the caption for their Instagram where I highly suggest you go and hit follow.

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Currently Loving- August 2019

Is it fall yet? August is my least favorite month of the year. My goodness, it’s hot in Alabama. I seriously think I’d like to move further north. I’m not meant to sweat this much. Anyone else?
There were some good things that I loved during this hellish month, but this heat just ain’t one of them.

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Seven on a Saturday- Kitchen Rug Ideas

Happy Saturday, y’all! I’ve been living with the same kitchen rugs since I lived in Louisiana, and I’m ready for some new ones! These worked fine when I had my blue curtains, but now that I have the black and white buffalo check shades, I think the blue rugs needs to go. I’ve been perusing the interwebs looking for some inspiration. I think I’ve settled on a few styles that seem to suit the look I’m hoping to achieve, but I’m still looking for that “champagne taste” rug that will fit into my “beer budget”. Take a look at what I’ve rounded up today. Each photo is linked to it’s source.

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