What I’m Watching and Reading this Summer

Summer is here! That means I tend to slow down, watch some Netflix and read a few books. I compiled a few lists of things to watch and read for this post. But I want your input. Look through the lists and tell me if it’s worth my time. Let me know if you’ve seen some of these shows or read some of these books.

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Currently Loving- May 2019

Hi, friends! It’s the end of May! This is particularly exciting if you are a teacher or work a teacher’s schedule. That means my wake ups won’t be quite as early, and I won’t have to be in charge of twenty little people at any given time. Basically, I get to live my best life. 🙂 Technically, I’ll still have to set an alarm (trying to make exercise a real thing now that I’m almost mid-30s), and I’ll be checking in with my mama on the regular now that she’s broken her ankle and has to be off of it for most of the summer. But it isn’t lost on me how blessed I am to have the summer off and not have to go to my actual job every day. #perksofbeingateacher

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Big Beautycounter News

Hi friends! If you’ve been here a while, then you know I’m a Beautycounter consultant. I have been for a while now, and I frequently share my favorites or product reviews and other general information about the company. Today, I want to discuss something new in one of the best selling sets that Beautycounter has to offer.

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Currently Loving- April 2019

Hi friends! April is a month that I have a love/hate relationship with. It’s my birthday month, so there’s a feeling of excitement and fun. But then April is also filled with all the pollen. I hate that part of it. But this post is not about current hates. Here’s what I have been loving this month. Get ready for a very photo-heavy post.

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The Wear Color Challenge || What I Wore This Week (Part 4)

Hi, friends! Four weeks! I still have a few more days in April, but I did it! Well, I didn’t successfully wear color every day, but I came pretty darn close. This particular week was a bit of a crazy one because we were leading up to my brother’s wedding this past weekend, so all those outfits are included here, too.

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The Wear Color Challenge || What I Wore This Week (Part 3)

HI, friends! Welcome to week three of The Wear Color Challenge. I gotta tell ya, this week was a bust. I wore mostly neutrals. I was in a funk all week, and it was super stressful. We had state testing at school, and my students and I were all nervous. There’s too much pressure put on third graders! Not to mention a full moon. The state should seriously review the moon patterns before scheduling these tests.

Anyway, I started out on a high note, but it went downhill from there.

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Seven on a Saturday | My Current Wish List

Happy Saturday, friends! We made it another week. Whew! It’s getting tough over here. I’m exhausted from all the state testing stress and the fun wedding events we’ve had. This weekend will be a bit more restful, thank goodness. One of the curses of social media is the incessant amount of products that you’re presented with every day. I have a whole list of things that are on my radar, and I wondered if maybe some of them were on yours, too.

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The Wear Color Challenge || What I Wore This Week (Part 2)

I got some positive feedback from my first week of outfits, and I just want to thank you for that. Y’all know I’m no fashion blogger nor do I pretend to be, but it’s been fun to do this. I’m still going for a colorful month and so far so good. Here’s what I wore this week.

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Seven on a Saturday | Guilty Pleasures

Totally a guilty pleasure.

Hi, friends! Let’s talk guilty pleasures. I have a few…at least seven as evidenced by this blog post. Mine consist of various forms of entertainment and some snacks. I looked up the definition of a guilty pleasure and this is what Google had to say: “something, such as a movie, television program, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard”. Yep, that about sums it up for me. I know some of you will be saying, “Me too!” But maybe I’ll introduce you to a few new ones. For that I’m sorry and you’re welcome.

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