Bathroom Makeover Before…Again

Oops, I did it again! Or, I will. 

I liked my guest bathroom makeover so much that I’ve started a similar one in our master bathroom. But I can’t show you an after without showing you a before. I’m sparing no mess or clutter. I want to share what we’re living with right now. It definitely needs some sprucing up and could use a bit more storage and better organization. That’s the main goal as I move forward with this project. Continue reading “Bathroom Makeover Before…Again”

Seven on a Saturday – On a Sunday

Well, I managed to get one Seven on a Saturday post up. I had great intentions of getting one up yesterday, but the first week of school is a little stressful and lot of work, so I didn’t get to write it. Then the weekend has flown by because of all of the social events that were on our calendar. (I’m bragging a little because that never happens.) But for real, we had two gatherings this weekend, so blogging had to wait. Needless to say, I’m bring you a Seven on a Saturday post tonight, Sunday.

As I may have mentioned before, Instagram is my preferred form of social media. So it’ll come as no surprise that I’ve found seven more things from Instagram this week to share with you. I’ll link the handle of each photo source so you can follow these accounts too. Continue reading “Seven on a Saturday – On a Sunday”

Movie Set Monday- Big Little Lies Part Two

We’re going back to Monterey, California today to visit another home of the HBO series, Big Little Lies. Last week we took a peek into Madeline’s home.

Today we’ll be looking at Celeste Wright’s home. Remember how there were walls of windows in Madeline’s home? Well, it’s practically the same here. And even though the views are a tad different, Celeste’s views are equally as stunning.

Continue reading “Movie Set Monday- Big Little Lies Part Two”

Currently Loving- July 2018

Happy August 1st!

I’m back to school today. 🙁 Sad that my summer break is over but happy to be sharing my favorite things from July. One of which was my anniversary yesterday. Happy 8 years to us! You can read all about our wedding here.

Okay, let’s get to it. Continue reading “Currently Loving- July 2018”

Movie Set Monday- Big Little Lies Part One

If you’ve never heard of Big Little Lies, get  yourself to a library or to Amazon RIGHT NOW and get the book. Read it in the day and a half it’ll take you because you will absolutely not want to put it down, have yourself a day to process what just happened, then binge watch the series on HBO. You’re welcome.

The book takes place in Australia, but the series takes place in Monterey, California. I’m convinced there wasn’t a more beautiful backdrop for the show. You’ll see what I mean when you see the views from the characters’ homes. Today we’re taking a peek into Madeline Mackenzie’s home. Reese Witherspoon plays this character, and if you’ve seen the show you know that this kitchen is spectacular. Continue reading “Movie Set Monday- Big Little Lies Part One”

DIY Abstract Painting

Remember that time I painted that canvas navy blue

Well, I just kept thinking it was too much blue in one corner. So, I painted it again…

Except I had two square canvases and decided to paint them as opposites. (This turned out to be an all out disaster, and I ended up with two paintings that looked like a 2 year old did it. Instead, I did two similar paintings.) Continue reading “DIY Abstract Painting”

Movie Set Monday- Home Alone

When you start scrolling through these pictures you’re going to say, “Elizabeth, what is wrong with you? Why did you pick this house? The wallpaper. The tile countertops. The wallpaper.  The patterns. The wallpaper.” 🙂

But hear me out. This house is iconic. We’ve all seen Home Alone and could recognize the exterior anywhere. It’s a massive, gorgeous home. Though the inside may be behind in our modern day decor, it’s still a great home with many things to enjoy. Continue reading “Movie Set Monday- Home Alone”