Starting Off Right

While February is nearing its end, I’ve got a bit of catching up to do. I believe reflection is a great way to remember to be grateful for the things in your life. Helps keep things in perspective, ya know? So today I’ll be recapping the first month of the year and all the good and bad it brought with it.

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Seven on a Saturday- What I’m Loving this Week

Happy Saturday! Oh my goodness am I glad to see the weekend! I don’t have to work this weekend, and I plan to take full advantage of the fact that I don’t have anything to do. Hallelujah!

I have recently rediscovered Pinterest, and I am hooked almost as badly as I was when it first hit the map. I stepped away from it for a while, but I am back and finding all sorts of inspirational things. This week there’s no rhyme or reason to the findings, just things I’m loving. Each photo is linked to its source for your convenience. Grab your coffee and scroll through seven things I found this week that you might find some inspiration from, too.

Continue reading “Seven on a Saturday- What I’m Loving this Week”