Currently Loving- April 2019

Hi friends! April is a month that I have a love/hate relationship with. It’s my birthday month, so there’s a feeling of excitement and fun. But then April is also filled with all the pollen. I hate that part of it. But this post is not about current hates. Here’s what I have been loving this month. Get ready for a very photo-heavy post.

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Currently Loving- March 2019

Where is 2019 going? Already three months in? Why do I feel like I blinked and it’s gone? I’m not complaining. It’s that much closer to summer break, and it’s been a great month (other than all the pollen and allergy issues that have hit me like a ton of bricks). So many great things happened in March, and I’m pretty excited to share them with you today. This post is basically a compilation of everything I did this month. I don’t have a whole lot of products to report about, but if you’re nosy about what I got into, read on! 🙂

Continue reading “Currently Loving- March 2019”